National Institute of Technology, Allahabad
May 2015 - May 2019
I graduated with a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science with a CPI of 8.4/10. My undergrad studies gave me an awesome opportunity to explore my interests.
Arista Networks, Bangalore, India
July 2019 - Present
I have been working at Arista for more than a year now. Currently I am in the team that works on Access Control Lists that filter packets based on IP/IPv6/MAC Addresses. Check out my projects to find out about all the stuff I've done at Arista.
Arista Networks, Bangalore, India
May 2018 - July 2018
Prior to working at Arista Full Time, I was a Software Enginering Intern in the team that controls how routes are established on Arista Switches. This internship led to my full time role. This internship gave me a gist of how discplined one needs to be while writing code that customers actually use.
March 2020, Bangalore, India
Best Project For business - Arista's biannual Hackathon ( SanitizeIT )
October 2019, Bangalore, India
Best Project In Fresher's Category - Arista's biannual Hackathon ( ImproveIT )
September 2019, Allahabad, India
Runner Up in Volleyball - Intra College Sports Fest ( Josh )
March 2018, Allahabad, India
Runner Up - National Level University Hackathon ( Hack36 )
September 2017, Allahabad, India
Winner - Software Dev Event ( SoftaBlitz, Avishkar )
September 2017, Allahabad, India
Runner Up - Website Dev Event ( Webster, Avishkar )
September 2016, Allahabad, India
Second Runner Up - Software Dev Event ( SoftaBlitz, Avishkar )
September 2015, Allahabad, India
Winner in Volleyball - Inter College Sports Fest ( JLal )
December 2013, New Delhi, India
Second Runner Up - Programming Contest ( Hash )